
Why You Need to Map Your Workflows Before Using New Tools

September 15, 2023

For most of our clients, we help them get organized by setting up their processes and workflows within our go-to business tools: ClickUp and HoneyBook. This is where we organize everything into one place so they can get their business back on track.

But something we see with clients a lot is that they don’t have processes or workflows in place before we set up their tools. And that’s where things get really tricky and even more time-consuming.

Why? It essentially comes down to this: If you don’t know what your processes are, how can your tools help you?

Watch our newest video below to learn why workflows should come before your business tools, or keep reading to learn more!

Remind me again – what are workflows?

Before we get into everything, let’s take a second and get on the same page about what a workflow is and why they’re absolutely crucial for your business.

In simplest terms, a workflow is a list of steps, events, and tasks that need to be completed to finish a process. It’s how you take something from being undone to done.

Workflows are necessary no matter what stage of business you’re in or what tools you use. That’s because they create clear, repeatable processes that you can use every single day.

Why are workflows important for my business?

As a business that’s built on workflows, we see first-hand just how important these are to maintain a functioning, organized and streamlined business. That’s because they can help with virtually every aspect of your business, including:

  • Nurturing leads and prospective clients
  • Client onboarding and off-boarding
  • Executing projects start to finish
  • Hiring and onboarding new team members
  • Creating and publishing content
  • And so much more!

For example, say you send a prospective client a proposal. Once they accept it, they can be inserted into a workflow that includes everything they need for onboarding – like branding information and any necessary forms or files. Instead of sending dozens of emails back and forth trying to collect intake forms, documents, schedules, and everything in between – all your to-do’s and tasks to get your clients onboarded quickly and efficiently are right there in your workflow.

You also need workflows for managing your internal team. What happens when you bring on a new client? You need to create a new client folder, a new project board, documents, and so on. That’s all part of the workflow — and it helps to have those steps listed out before you ever bring a tool into the picture.

Why do I need workflows before I set up my tools?

Getting the most out of tools like ClickUp and HoneyBook means automating your workflows and eliminating manual tasks that you repeat all the time. So instead of working out of your inbox and constantly or juggling a million to-do lists, everything happens automatically!

Plus, you can use workflows across your entire business to automate as much as possible and navigate all of the moving pieces of your business at once. You can use them to execute projects, create new products, hire and onboard new team members, and so much more.

On top of being very efficient and effective, workflows can also save you tons of valuable time and brain space. That way, you can focus on the more important aspects of your business – whether that’s creating new products, growing your team, or scaling in new and exciting ways.

So, now that you know what workflows are, how they’re used, and why they need to be established before you set up your tools, it’s time to bring them to life!

How do I Create My Own Workflows?

Workflow Mapping

At DaSilva Life, we help clients create their own workflows through a process called workflow mapping. It’s where we take them through a series of prompts to start mapping out all of their processes and turn them into beautiful workflows. Here’s what some of those prompts might look like –

  • What steps do you need to take to ensure you have all of the necessary information to kick off a project?
  • What are the steps in your process to take a product from an idea to being fully created?
  • What do you need to do to onboard a new team member and make sure they are set up for success?

By asking yourself some of these crucial questions, you can start to outline all the steps in each of your repeatable processes. Once that’s in a good place, you can bring them to life in your project management or CRM tools, so everything is organized, streamlined, and in one place!

Joining our FREE Workflow Workshop

Another way you can jumpstart your workflows? By joining our FREE Workflow Workshop on August 24-26th at 3 PM EST!

In this workshop, we’ll teach you how to:

  • Create your workflows
  • Build them inside ClickUp and/or HoneyBook
  • Automate them (our favorite part!)

We’re so excited to show you first-hand just how life-changing workflows and automations are inside these amazing tools.

When you sign up, we’ll send you all the details you’ll need for the workshop so that you can get the most out of it. We can’t wait to see you there!

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