Organization + Systems

SOPs vs. Workflows

September 15, 2023

SOPs vs. Workflows

If you know anything about The DaSilva life, you know that we love a good process. But if you’re new to business organization, you may not understand what a process is exactly. Or a workflow. Or an SOP. Or a [insert any other confusing term here].

We’re here to tell you: That’s completely normal. After all, it’s not your expertise — it’s ours!

At the most basic level, workflows and SOPs are processes. And both can be used to organize your business, streamline projects, and automate manual tasks.

But what do each of them mean, and which one is best for your business? We’re sharing everything you need to know about SOPs and workflows.

What is an SOP?

SOP stands for standard operating procedure, which outlines how to complete a specific action or project. Think of an SOP like you would a checklist — it helps make sure all your bases are covered and boxes are checked before you hit send on a proposal, submit a final deliverable, or start a new partnership with a vendor.

SOPs come in the form of living documents that are created by business owners. Then, they’re referenced by other people who need to know how something is done. At DaSilva life, we love putting SOPs in ClickUp. That way, we can add templates to them and refer to them much more easily!

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It’s important to note: SOPs aren’t one-size-fits-all — your work is unique to you. That’s why SOPs are usually created while you’re doing something, so you can document each step of the process along the way. Also, like different work styles and processes, SOPs can be as simple or complex as needed.

What is a workflow?

Workflows are a business owner's best friend — especially when you have the right tool to automate them. (Our go-to pick is HoneyBook)

With workflows, you can automate tasks across your business. When set up correctly, workflows can help with things like:

  • Sending emails
  • Sharing files
  • Requesting more information
  • Communicating with clients
  • And so much more!
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For example, say you send a prospective client a proposal. Once they accept it, they’re inserted into a workflow that includes everything they need for onboarding, like information, forms, and files. And it all happens automatically — no more typing up complicated emails and follow-ups, sending documents back and forth, and navigating calendars to schedule a kick-off call. It’s all right there in your workflow!

So, which do you need: SOPs or workflows?

The short answer? Both! Because each will help you along the way. Let’s break it down:

SOPs help maintain the standards of your operations — hence the name. Although they’re not automatic, SOPs ensure that everyone follows the same exact steps to complete a task. That means you, your employees, your contractors, and your clients! The result? Consistency, efficiency, and simplicity.

Workflows are necessary to automate manual tasks — especially when it comes to working with clients, vendors, or partners. No more working out of your inbox all day, everyday and writing down reminders you’ll eventually forget. Use workflows to onboard clients, execute entire projects, send deliverables, and stay on top of absolutely everything!

Ready to create your own SOPs and workflows? Get started here!

Now that you have a better understanding of what SOPs and Workflows are — and how they can help your business — it’s time to create them! But, where do you even start?

Luckily, you can start right here with DaSilva Life, where we can do it for you. Yes, you read that right!

With our Done-For-You solutions, we’ll set up your ClickUp or HoneyBook accounts (or both!) to get your business on the right track. With each, you’ll get:

HoneyBook setup

  • Complete setup + automation of HoneyBook account
  • Continuous support during project building
  • Setting up schedulers as needed
  • Uploading branding and assets
  • 1 complete workflow
  • Creation of zaps and other integrations
  • Design for brochures and headers as needed
  • 60-minute final team member training
  • 30 days of support post project

ClickUp setup

  • Full custom build of your ClickUp account
  • Access to all ClickUp templates in the DL shop
  • Continuous support during project building
  • Optimized layouts and functionality for your business
  • Integrations from other tools if needed
  • 60-minute final team member training
  • 30 days of support post project

Ready to take your business to the next level? Explore our Done-For-You solutions now!

[Explore Done-For-You Solutions]

If you want to DIY your SOPs check out our ClickUp SOP Templates!

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