
How to Use HoneyBook in Less Than 15 Minutes a Day

September 20, 2023

HoneyBook is our favorite CRM (customer relationship management) tool — and for good reason. Not only can you seamlessly manage clients in their system, but you can take so much manual labor off your plate.

Checking on late invoices? HoneyBook already did that for you.

Wondering if that client is going to schedule a call? HoneyBook already sent them your call link.

Wondering how many leads you’ve gotten recently? HoneyBook has all that info.

But one thing that comes up when we set up HoneyBook for our clients? They’re worried they won’t know how to use it to the fullest, or that just managing the software will take all their time.

Honestly? That might be the case if you don’t have a HoneyBook Pro on your side. But you do now, so let’s address those concerns ;)

Below, we’re taking you step-by-step inside our daily and weekly HoneyBook routine — a simple process that makes it easy to manage the tool, your leads, and new clients.

If want to learn more about how to use HoneyBook in less time, watch the video below or keep reading!

Our daily HoneyBook routine

Checking HoneyBook is the first thing we do every single day, and every afternoon before we log off. We have a task set up inside of ClickUp to remind us to check everything, but it’s become pretty much a habit at this point.

This process only takes us about 10-15 minutes,  even with a larger workload or a lot of projects in the pipeline. Let’s take a look at how this daily HoneyBook routine breaks down into a two-step process.

HoneyBook Daily Routine Step #1: Check notifications

The first thing we do when we check HoneyBook each day is monitor notifications and make sure communication with clients is taken care of before anything else. We have our email account connected there [link to honeybook mistakes blog*****], so it’s really easy to check it all and reply in one place. (This way, it won’t come from a weird @honeybook.com email).

We see if anyone has responded to messages, whether that’s a new or potential client. We also check to see if anything is time sensitive, or if we need to adjust a client’s timeline. This is really just our time to make sure the communication aspect of what we do here at DaSilva Life is taken care of.  

HoneyBook Daily Routine Step #2: Check in on tasks and approvals

During this HoneyBook check-in, we also see if new proposals need a follow-up (or if automated emails need approval). We can also send anything over to clients if they’ve moved forward and signed their proposal.

Then, we head over to the projects we have in the pipeline to make sure we are up-to-date on anything from current clients. This could be checking to see that we’re still on track, if there are any questions, or if any documents need to be sent over.

Our weekly HoneyBook routine

Our weekly HoneyBook routine goes a little more in-depth than the daily one. If you factor in the daily maintenance that happens throughout the rest of the week, this usually takes about roughly 30-45 minutes.

One hour for weekly maintenance? Honestly, that’s not too bad. And it’s totally manageable, even with a busy schedule.

HoneyBook Weekly Routine Step #1: Send proposals

If we had any discovery calls that week, we’ll make sure we send out proposals and assign projects to that potential client so we can continue to track everything we do with them, even if we don’t work together.

(Side note: It’s important to do this because in case they do come back in the future, you can keep track of what you’ve already discussed. Plus, in the nurturing stage, you can also see how many emails you’ve already sent them, etc.)

And because HoneyBook makes this as easy as the click of a button, it usually takes us no more than a few minutes. The process is super streamlined!

HoneyBook Weekly Routine Step #2: Clean out the pipeline

Leads are great — but there will always be people who decide not to sign on. Dead leads happen to us all.

While we want you to keep a record of all communication, you can still archive leads that don’t work out.  It helps to do this because then your current project list and daily task list won’t be overcrowded with things you’re not working on.

Clearing out clutter is important for any good workflow!

PRO TIP: As we mention in our HoneyBook client workflow video, we do like to set up an automation to follow up with “dead leads” in 30 days and 60 days. This has helped us close a lot of clients who we thought were lost!

If they don’t reply after 60 days, we’ll archive their project.

HoneyBook Weekly Routine Step #3: Update the calendar

One of the best parts about using HoneyBook is it is truly a way to guard yourself against too many “menial” tasks cluttering your inbox — like checking on invoices or even scheduling meetings.

That’s why we check in with our calendar weekly. Again, HoneyBook seamlessly integrates with Google Suite, so our Google Calendar is already connected there. This makes it easy for us to send out the scheduler confidently — without worrying that someone will grab a time slot that’s already booked.

Use HoneyBook like a pro… in just minutes a day

See how easy it is to stay on top of your HoneyBook account? No more “dead leads graveyard” and overwhelming task list. Just simple check-ins every day (or every other day) to make your life and business easier.

But this HoneyBook routine isn’t the only way to make their “all-in-one clientflow platform” work for you. There are so many things HoneyBook can do for you as a business owner.

Want to learn just how much this CRM can help your business?  Our HoneyBook Course can help.

Inside you’ll get:

  • 50+ On-Demand Video Lessons with step-by-step instructions and hands-on examples
  • 3 months of community membership, including access to get weekly tech support from the DL Team
  • A Workflow Mapping Spreadsheet that makes creating your workflows a breeze with guided examples
  • Bonus Lessons and Advanced Trainings
  • Plug & Play Templates to import into your HoneyBook to implement with ease
  • Lifetime Access and future course updates!

Plus, you will get FULL access to future course updates as HoneyBook continues to add new amazing features, including all the automations, of course!

We’ll show you how to use HoneyBook like a pro — so your business is streamlined, productive, and always flush with leads.


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