
Whats New Inside ClickUp 3.0

September 15, 2023

What’s New Inside ClickUp 3.0?

ClickUp 3.0 is coming and the updates are slowly trickling out! Have you seen any changes in your account? We know that a big upgrade like this comes with a learning curve, but it also comes with a ton of new ClickUp features that are going to make your business (and your life) so much easier.

Want to know which ClickUp 3.0 features we’re most excited about? Curious about how this upgrade is different from previous versions? Let’s dig in. 

Layout & UX Design

The first thing you’ll notice as you get ClickUp 3.0 access is… the look! It’s generally more sleeker, with better use of the space on screen. You’ll also see that statuses look a little different, and I love the checkmarks and “status” icons to show you how your projects are coming along.

And of course, admin settings are now on the right by your account picture, while workspace settings are to the left. 

ClickUp 2.0 Look

ClickUp 3.0 Look

The icons are also larger and it’s easier to see the fields, making each of your spaces so much easier to navigate! 

New Task View

The Task Viewhas been redesigned, and it just makes sense! The new layout makes it so easy to navigate between the information you need about the task or project.

And you can make tasks so much prettier (and visually helpful) with task covers and designs.

Easier Navigation from Search

ClickUp 3.0 also comes with an upgrade on the search bar. Now, you can universally search from any page — and the search bar comes with added buttons. and you can add a new task/time/etc.

You can track time, start a whiteboard, and even manage your account settings from this new search bar (the gray bar pictured above). 

The New ClickUp Inbox (my favorite feature!)

This is arguably what I’m most excited about with this 3.0 upgrade. No more notifications — huzzah! 

Instead, you have messages or you have activity.

This makes it so much easier to sort through what needs action from you, and what are just updates on tasks and projects. 

The New ClickUp Home Page

One of the features I can’t wait to get my hands on? The upgraded ClickUp 3.0 homepage. This is a much more streamlined (and arguably more gorgeous) version of the original. You can also customize it to include your focus for the day, lists or spaces you want to include, tasks, your calendar, and more.

Seriously — what an upgrade from the previous Home page! 

Hubs, Docs, Dashboards & Whiteboards

Honestly, ClickUp went all out with this update — because they didn’t forget the smaller features that really power ClickUp and make it one-of-a-kind.

Now, ClickUp Docs are much easier to find in a Docs “hub,” and you can see who has access to docs in one clean view. 

Dashboards are easier to jump between because you can view recents, favorites, and recently created dashboards.

And there’s another upgrade we just love: A dedicated hub for whiteboards!

Now you can nest your whiteboards together so you don’t have to embed them in a specific task or space. This makes it so much easier to brainstorm ideas without having to jump between spaces, lists, etc. 

ClickUp AI

Ok I know I said that I was most excited about the Inbox upgrades from ClickUp 3.0, but honestly — it’s the AI! 

While AI is available only in the ClickUp Docs & Tasks feature, it’s so amazing. You can:

Summarize documents

Every document has a ‘summarize’ button which will, obviously, summarize what’s inside the doc. So, if you need to pull out a quick summary of whatever you’re sharing internally, externally, or with clients, this can be a great way to do just that without adding even more tasks to your plate.

Use AI prompts

You can tell ClickUp 3.0’s AI feature to:

  • Continue writing
  • Explain this
  • Make it better
  • Fix spelling and grammar
  • Make longer
  • Make shorter
  • Use simpler language
  • And more!

Prompt documents

Tired of that blinking cursor? Use the document prompting feature and:

  • Open up a new document inside ClickUp
  • Type the forward-slash command (/)
  • Select ‘Write with AI’
  • Create a prompt
  • Watch the magic unfold

Create process documents

One of the several AI prompts we discovered in ClickUp is the ability to create a Process SOP – or Standard Operating Procedure. When we prompted it with ‘Inbox management,’ the end result was a robust document that included sections like:

  • Purpose
  • Scope
  • Responsibilities
  • Guidelines
  • Conclusion

Want to see more about ClickUp 3.0’s AI features? Read our full blog here.

ClickUp 3.0 Conditional Logic

Let’s talk about  why conditional logic forms from ClickUp 3.0 are so cool

Let’s say you offer three different services, but you need to ask different intake questions for each. Instead of having all of the questions in one form, they’ll only appear once someone selects that particular service. Here’s what that looks like:

  • If a user selects Service 1, then questions related to Service 1 will appear.
  • If a user selects Service 2, then questions related to Service 2 will appear.
  • If a user selects Service 3, then questions related to Service 3 will appear. 

Want to understand this better and learn how to implement it? Read our ClickUp 3.0 Conditional Logic blog here.

Custom Field & Automations Manager

This is another feature that we can’t wait to play with more — because it’s going to make project management so much faster! 

Before, you had to manage custom fields in each space or list. Now, with 3.0, you can manage them all in one place — from virtually anywhere in your ClickUp. 

With 3.0, you can access the Custom Field Manager from:

  • Views
  • Workspaces
  • Spaces
  • Folders
  • Lists
  • Tasks

The same goes for your Automations Manager, which is now found in one place as well. Stay tuned, because we’ll be featuring this as we get access to this feature. 3.0 is still dripping out, so updates are coming! 

Make sure you’re on our newsletter because that’s where we’re dropping the newest 3.0 updates! 

Want To Stay on Top of ClickUp 3.0 Updates? Join Our Upcoming 3.0 Masterclass

As a Certified ClickUp Pro*, we already have exclusive access to the brand-new ClickUp 3.0. 

That means we’ve spent weeks getting to learn the ins and outs of all the new features…so we can share them exclusively with you. 

We can already tell you to expect a lot of amazing upgrades, including:

  • More customization + personalization
  • An in-tool inbox
  • Sleeker designs
  • A re-imagined homepage
  • More Click-Up Views (!)

But we know that learning this platform comes with a learning curve — especially with 3.0 updates! That’s why we’re hosting a ClickUp 3.0 Masterclass.

Inside this masterclass, you’ll learn everything there is to know about ClickUp’s newest layouts and features. 

We’ll go through an in-depth walkthrough of ClickUp 3.0, including what’s new, what’s different, and how to best utilize all of the new features.

(Spoiler Alert: There are some amazing AI capabilities that will eliminate tons of manual work!)

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