
Why Project Management Systems Haven't Worked for You in the Past

September 15, 2023

Project management (PM) systems are one of the best tools for business owners who are ready to get organized. But finding the right one isn’t always...seamless. In fact, the search process might look something like this:

  • Google ‘best project management tool’
  • Become overwhelmed with tons of ads and articles
  • Sign up for free trials
  • Try to learn how to use them on your own
  • Run out of time
  • Panic
  • Give up

Did we get any of that right? Even if it sounds a little bit familiar, you’re not alone. With so many choices and features out there, it’s exhausting (to say the least).

But that might not be the entire story.

Sure, finding the right PM tool can be challenging, but what if there are other reasons they haven’t worked for you yet? Let’s take a deeper dive to figure out why project management systems haven’t worked for you in the past.

Your tools don’t match your work style

Are you more of a visual person? A to-do list person? A task person? No matter how you work, your PM tool should match your style, not the other way around. Otherwise, you’re essentially forcing yourself to learn and function in a way that doesn’t make sense for you and your business!

Your tasks + to-dos are all over the place

If you have a hard time letting go of the old way of doing things, this one’s for you.

When you first implement a new PM tool, it can take some time to move all of your tasks and to-dos into one place. But if you never fully transition to the tool, that’s where you run into issues.

On top of your new PM system, you’re still juggling paper planners, digital calendars, spreadsheets, emails, sticky notes, digital messages, and everything in between. See the disconnect? Everything is everywhere, making it that much harder to stay on top of things. As a result, you end up ditching your PM tool and sticking to what you know.

You don’t have clear processes

One of the best things about project management tools is that they streamline all of your work. Everything from individual tasks to full-blown projects, all of your processes are outlined and organized to keep you on track. But if you don’t have processes, a PM tool isn’t going to be much help.

So, before you try your hand at project management again, let’s figure out what your processes are so we can bring them to life in a way that’ll change your entire business.

You’re not using it to the fullest extent

On the surface, a project management tool may seem fairly simple and not all that in-depth — almost like a digital to-do list. But we’re here to tell you: The right PM system can do so much more than that. In fact, it should be the only place where you do things like:

  • Managing + executing projects
  • Setting due dates
  • Assigning projects to team members
  • Communicating with clients + teammates
  • Task management
  • To-do list management
  • Team management
  • And so much more!

So, if you’ve only scratched the surface of PM tools in the past, it’s likely you didn’t know all the amazing things it can do for you!

You don’t stick with it

We’ll be the first to admit that change is hard. And after so many trial-and-errors, it’s easier to default to your old ways because learning something new is challenging and exhausting.

Truth is, learning a new PM tool is difficult in the beginning. After all, you’re introducing something brand-new to your business. But you have to stick with it!

Commit to a trial that lasts longer than seven days. Seek out free resources and guides. Explore trainings and courses to learn all there is about it. Chances are, you’ll be amazed at how much your business has transformed and wonder how you ever functioned without a PM tool!

Ready to make a project management tool work for you? Download our free ClickUp 101 guide!

No more frantic Googling or countless free trials or panicking — you can find the right PM tool and make it work for you! And we have the perfect place to start: our free ClickUp 101 guide!

ClickUp is the go-to project management tool for all of our clients, and we even use it for our business, too! With this, you’ll learn:

  • Why your business needs a PM tool
  • An intro to ClickUp
  • How to use ClickUp for your business

And did we mention it’s free?! Download your guide now!


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